Monday, 7 September 2015

New XStream Modem

This week, we tested out our new modem that we bought. It is the XStream OEM RF Module. We first connected it to the software (XCTU) and configure the new modem. Since this is the newer version of modem, a newer softaware of XCTU is required for the configuration of the radio with the wire antenna. Both modules (receiving and transmitting) must have the same baud rate (19200), Hopping Channel (1) and Destination Channel (8). Then we used the modem for range testing. After range testing, we tried sending data with the arduino as well as receiving with PLX-DAQ.
Xstream Module

Readings received by Computer through DAQ

Base Board

XStream with RPSMA Antenna

XStream with wire antenna

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Can Bus and Printed PCB

For this week, we completed in the communication of the Can Bus as well as printed out the PCB board that connects the outputs from various parts of the car to the Arduino Mega.

For the Printed PCB, we used the Eagle Software to design. After that, we saved and converted the file using the CAM Processor Software in the Eagle to achieve 3 types of files (.sol, .sts, .drd) . The files are then sent to a PCB making machine for printing.

Board Drawing using Eagle Software

Files Required for Printing

Printing Process using PCB printing machine 
Machine Used

Printed PCB

For the CAN Bus, we tried to get the Arduino CAN bus shield to communicate with the Can Bridge of the BMS. This communication line is important as we will be able to get accurate information for the battery during the race.
The Hardware wiring at the CAN Bridge and the CAN Bus Shield is different. Therefore, we are required to come up with a connector between the two.( Connecting the CAN high and low respectively at both ends)
As for the software, we used our programme for the Arduino. There are a few columns and IDs during the communication. D0 to D7 are bytes of Data transmitted while ID determines the origin of the Data (CMU or BMU unit e.g 601 represents the CAN bridge D0 to D4 is the serial number of the bridge, D4 to D7 is the cell and CMU temperature respectively). All Data transmitted are in Hexadecimal so conversion to Decimal needs to take place in order to tally information from the BMS management software. Conversion headers will be included in our main program.  

Data Received